The Programme Implementation Board is assisted in its work by five subgroups comprised of Departments, Government agencies and community representatives.
Each Subgroup meets monthly to advance their work. Each group is chaired by an individual with responsibility towards achieving the actions set out in the Mulvey Report and the Strategic Plan 2024-2027.
The current NEIC Initiative Subgroups are:
Subgroup 1 - Enhanced Policing
This Subgroup works to enhance community safety, reduce crime and strengthen community confidence in An Garda Síochána.
Chaired by: Chief Superintendent Patrick McMenamin - An Garda Síochána
Inspector Alan Frawley - An Garda Síochána
Secretary: Sergeant Grace McCarry - An Garda Síochána
Superintendent Jarlath Lennon - An Garda Síochána
John Fitzgerald – Foróige
Karen Reid – HSE
Sergeant Martin Moloney - An Garda Síochána
Sergeant Niall Carolan - An Garda Síochána
Oliva Brody – NEIC Programme Manager
Richard Carson – North Inner City Community Coalition
Sean Mackey – SWAN Youth Services
Sonya Keniry – LCSP
Tanya Ganly – DoT (NEIC Programme Office)
Subgroup 2 - Maximising Educational, Training and Employment Opportunities
This Subgroup works to support and promote attendance, participation and retention of young people in formal education and increase and enhance employment opportunities for school leavers, improve adult education levels and reduce unemployment rates in the community.
Chaired by: Brenda Boylan - Department of an Taoiseach
Andrea Lazenby Simpson - BITC
Anne Fitzgerald - Liffey Partnership
Blake Hodkinson - City of Dublin Education & Training Board
Deirdre Gartland - Central Model Senior School
Eugene Donnelly - Department of Social Protection
Professor Gina Quinn - National College of Ireland
Janet Colgan - TUSLA
Liam Newell - O'Connell Secondary School
Maria Tyrrell - Larkin Unemployed Centre
Secretary: Niall Fitzpatrick - DoT (NEIC Programme Office)
Olivia Brody - NEIC Programme Manager
Sarah Kelleher- North Inner City Community Coalition (LYCS)
Stacey Cannon - Department of Education & Youth
Susan McNamara - D/FHERIS
Subgroup 3 - Supporting Children, Young People and Family Wellbeing
This Subgroup works to improve supports for children, young people and family wellbeing with a focus on parenting.
Chaired by: Bryan Patten - Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth
Secretary: Asha Heibe - D/CEDIY
Catriona Flood - ELI
Jenny Courtney - Belvedere Youth Club (NICCC)
Katie - National Participation Office
Maria Tyrrell - NICCC
Olivia Brody - NEIC Programme Manager
Patrick Gates - YPAR
Sophia - National Participation Office
Stacey Cannon - Department of Education & Youth
Sylvia Cahill - HSE
Tanya Ganly - DoT (NEIC Programme Office)
Teresa Nyland - TUSLA
Subgroup 4 - Enhancing Community Wellbeing and the Physical Environment
This Subgroup works to improve social cohesion and wellbeing in the community; and to enhance the physical environment, landscape and cleanliness.
Chaired by: Marie Kavanagh - Dublin City Council
Bernie Walsh - NICCC
Christopher Gaffney - Clúid Housing
Cormac Brennan - An Garda Síochána
Josephine Henry - NICCC (Dublin City Coop)
Secretary: Leona Fynes - Dublin City Council
Olivia Brody - NEIC Programme Manager
Sarah Philpott - DoT (NEIC Programme Office)
Siobhan Power - Arts, Culture & Heritage Rep (Dublin City Coop)
Subgroup 5 - Improving Community Health, Wellbeing and Recovery
This Subgroup works to improve community health, wellbeing and support those living with and recovering from drug use.
Chaired by: Jim Walsh - Department of Health and Ellen O'Dea - HSE
Belinda Nugent - NICCC (ICON)
Bridie Flood - NICCC (Crinan Youth Project)
Dawn Russell - ALDP
Brian O Reilly - NICDATF
Denise Ryan - DoT (NEIC Programme Office)
Olivia Brody - NEIC Programme Manager
Clare Naughton - Recovery Academy of Ireland
Catherine Heaney - Dublin City Community CoOp
Sonya Dillon - Recovery Academy of Ireland
Naomi Petty Saphon - HSE
Julie Brady - Service User Representative
Secretary: Sinead Carson - Drugs Policy & Social Inclusion Unit
Vicky Doyle - HSE