Hill Street Family Resource Centre, are very excited for the Lunar New Year FAMILY FUN BINGO NIGHT on Saturday 5th February at 6pm. Pop into the Centre this week to collect your bingo books from Tuesday to Friday between 10am-1pm and 2pm-4pm! Open to all, adults and children, this will be a fun filled night, with a chance to win some brilliant prizes!
They also have Art and Craft packs for collection. The packs include lots of materials to create some beautiful Lunar New Year decorations for your home such as paper cuttings, Anna’s Tiger, thread for the Chinese Knot, Fans, stickers and lots more. Keep the family entertained while learning about #Lunarnewyear... When you’ve created your decorations use them around your home, or #decorateyourdoor as in their previous competitions and send in a photo to be entered into their competition. Photos will be accepted until midnight on Monday 7th February. Email familysupport@hillstreetfrc.ie. Enjoy and have lots of creative fun! Tag them in any pictures, as they love to see the creations being made!
Please follow Hill Street Family Resource Centre on Facebook/Instagram @hillstreetfrc and like and share their activities and videos daily. This event has been organised by Hill Street parents and children who live in the local community. Hopefully, this will be their last online event and we will be back on the street in 2023!