Applications are invited for the position of an NEIC Parenting Programme Coordinator on a pilot basis for one year. The aim of this position is to identify and enhance the coordination of parenting programmes and referral pathways across all age groups in the NEIC. This will be done in collaboration with the NEIC Subgroup 3 Family Wellbeing, existing Parenting Support Champions, parents and providers of parenting programmes. Establishing a Parenting Forum and involving parents in the design, delivery and evaluation of these programmes will be a key goal
To find out more information click on this link: NEIC Parenting Programme Coordinator | National College of Ireland (
Application Process: To apply, please e-mail your cover letter and CV, quoting reference number: to: by 5pm on 21st May 2021. Applicants will be shortlisted based on their CV and cover letter for interview on Wednesday 9th June. “