Have your say
We carry out public consultations because it is important that we hear from the general public. These opinions and ideas are considered as part of the work we are undertaking in the Department of Justice.
What are we consulting on?
We are consulting members of the public on proposals to change thelaw on spent convictions.
What is a spent conviction?
A spent conviction is one that you no longer have to disclose, provided you meet the relevant criteria.
If a person has completed a sentence following a criminal conviction they will need to reintegrate into society. In certain situations though, they may need to disclose their criminal convictions and this can have a negative effect on their employment prospects and on other aspects of their life. For example; entering certain professions, obtaining a licence such a public service vehicle or getting insurance cover.
However, there are some situations where certain offences can be removed from the record, or may not have to be disclosed after a period of time. These are called spent convictions.
Why are spent convictions under review now?
We are trying to make improvements in our spent convictions legislation. This is one element in a wider suite of measures across several areas of Government, which are designed to promote rehabilitation and reduce the chances of people returning to criminality.
These measures will span across policies, operational areas, law enforcement, educational and social measures designed to support a safe, fair and inclusive society, where those who have broken the law are required to face justice but be provided with a real opportunity for reform and return to society as law abiding and productive citizens.
What we need you to do
We rely on your feedback to help ensure that Ireland’s legislation on spent convictions is fit for purpose and is effective in ensuring justice for victims, safety for communities and provides a genuine opportunity for rehabilitation and reform for former offenders.
For more details on Spent Convictions in Ireland, which may help inform your responses, please read more here: Review of the Criminal Justice Act 2016 - Spent Convictions.
There are three ways you can have your say:
1. Click the here above to answer a short survey. This survey will close at 12pm on 06 November 2020.
2. Send a written submission to
Penal and Policing Applied Policy
Department of Justice & Equality
51 St Stephen’s Green
Dublin 2
D02 HK52
Responses should be sent before 12pm on 06 November 2020.
3. Send a submission by email to spentconvictions@justice.ie. Responses should be sent before 12pm on 06 November 2020