When: Jun 11, 2020 05:00 PM Dublin
We all have an important role to play in supporting young people to avoid, delay and minimize alcohol use as they pass through adolescence. Hosted by the Alcohol Forum, this webinar will feature the latest international research on brain development during the teenage years and the impact that alcohol use can have. Professor of Psychiatry, Susan Tapert, from the University of California will outline her ground-breaking research on adolescent brain development, the impact of the repeated use of alcohol and cannabis drugs during adolescent and young adult years and brain markers predictive of substance misuse. The Alcohol Forum will be launching a new resource for young people: Alcohol - Its a No Brainer - All you need to know about alcohol and the teenage brain.
This webinar will be of interest to professionals and organisations working with young people and parents including those working in the fields of well-being, mental health, education and substance use.
If you have any questions in advance of the seminar that you would like to be addressed as part of the content, these can be emailed to helen@alcoholforum.org. There will also be an opportunity to ask questions during the seminar.
Registration: In advance - https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_q7b3s5brQJudVUkGxr-GUw